Rabu, 02 Juli 2008

Weight Control: What it Takes to Lose Weight

What does it take to lose weight?
To lose weight, you have to cut down on the number of calories you consume and start burning more calories each day. Calories are the amount of energy in the food you eat. Some foods have more calories than others. For example, foods high in fat and sugar are also high in calories. Your body uses calories for energy. If you eat more calories than you use, the extra calories will be stored as body fat.

A pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. To lose 1 pound of fat in a week, you have to eat 3,500 fewer calories (that is 500 fewer calories a day), or you have to “burn off” an extra 3,500 calories. You can burn off calories by exercising or just by being more active. (Talk to your family doctor before you begin any type of exercise program. Your doctor may be able to tell you what kind of exercise program is right for you.)

You can lose weight by eating fewer calories. But to lose weight and keep it off, you need to eat fewer calories and burn off calories. If you cut 250 calories from your diet each day and exercise enough to burn off 250 calories, that adds up to 500 fewer calories in one day. If you do this for 7 days, you can lose 1 pound of fat in a week.

Many experts believe you should not try to lose more than 2 pounds per week. Losing more than 2 pounds in a week usually means that you are losing water weight and breaking down muscle mass instead of losing fat. If you do this, you will have less energy, and you will probably gain the weight back.

How often should I eat?
Most people can eat 3 regular meals and 1 snack every day. The 3 meals should be about the same size and should be low in fat. It’s good to try to eat 1 to 2 cups of fruits and vegetables, 2 to 3 ounces of grains and 1 to 2 ounces of meat or a meat alternative at most meals. Some people benefit more if they eat 5 to 6 smaller meals throughout the day, about 2 to 3 hours apart. For example, their first meal of the day might be a cup of yogurt and a banana. Three hours later they might eat a simple deli sandwich.

Don’t skip meals. While this may help you lose weight for a little while, it fails in the long run. Skipping meals may make you feel too hungry and then eat too much at once. You may get so used to skipping meals that you don’t feel hungry at normal mealtimes. But after about a month of eating a normal breakfast and lunch and a light dinner, your body will adjust.

What is so bad about high-fat foods?
Fat has almost twice the calories of carbohydrates and protein. Fat calories turn into body fat more easily than carbohydrates or proteins. Fat in your diet can confuse your appetite, so you can’t tell when you are full.

Can I trust nutrition information I get from newspapers and magazines?
Nutrition tips from different sources sometimes conflict with each other.You should always check with your doctor first. Also, keep in mind the following advice:
There is no “magic bullet” when it comes to nutrition. There isn’t 1 diet that works for every person. You need to find an eating plan that works for you. Good nutrition doesn’t come in a vitamin pill. You can take a vitamin pill to be sure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals, but your body benefits the most when you eat healthy foods. Eating all different kinds of foods is best for your body. Learn to try new foods. Fad diets offer short-term changes, but good health comes from long-term effort and commitment.

Stories from people who have used a diet program or product, especially in commercials and infomercials, are just a way to sell more of the product. Remember, weight gain or other problems that come up after the diet program is over are never talked about in the ads.

Will diet drugs help?
Although diet drugs may help you lose weight at first, they usually don’t help you keep the weight off. Taking drugs does not help you learn to change your eating and exercise habits. Making lasting changes in these habits is the way to lose weight and keep it off. (AAFP)

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