Senin, 07 Juli 2008


What is constipation?
Constipation is when you have trouble having bowel movements. Your stoolsmay be very hard, making them so difficult to pass that you have to strain.Or you may feel like you still need to have a bowel movement even afteryou've had one.

How often should I have a bowel movement?
Not everyone has bowel movements once a day. Don't believe ads that say youmust have a daily bowel movement to be "regular." A normal range isgenerally 3 times a day to 3 times a week. You may be getting constipated ifyou begin to have bowel movements much less often than you usually do.

Tips on preventing constipation
  • Don't resist the urge to have a bowel movement.
  • Set aside time to have a bowel movement. A good time may be afterbreakfast or any other meal.
  • Eat more fiber.
  • Drink plenty of fluids--at least 8 glasses a day. Fluids can includewater, juices, soup, tea and other drinks.
  • Don't take laxatives too often.
  • Exercise or move around more.
What causes constipation?
As the food you eat passes through your digestive tract, your body takesnutrients and water from the food. This process creates a stool, which ismoved through your intestines with muscle contractions (squeezing motions).

A number of things can affect this process. These include not drinkingenough fluids, not being active enough, not eating enough fiber, takingcertain drugs, not going to the bathroom when you have the urge to have abowel movement and regularly using laxatives. Any of these things can causethe stools to move more slowly through your intestines, leading toconstipation.

How is constipation treated?
The main thing in treating constipation is to be sure you're eating enoughfiber and drinking enough fluids. This helps your stools move through yourintestines by increasing the bulk of your stools and making your stoolssofter. Increasing how much you exercise will also help.

Talk to your family doctor if:
  • Constipation is new and unusual for you
  • You have constipation for 3 weeks or more
  • You're in pain
  • You notice any blood in your stools
What should I eat?
Eat plenty of fiber. Two to 4 servings of fruits and 3 to 5 servings ofvegetables a day is ideal. Add extra fiber to your diet by eating cerealsthat contain bran or by adding bran as a topping on your fruit or cereal.

If you are adding fiber to your diet, start slowly and gradually increasethe amount. This will help reduce gas and bloating. Make sure to drinkplenty of water too.

Foods rich in fiber
  • Unprocessed wheat bran
  • Unrefined breakfast cereals
  • Whole wheat and rye flours
  • Grainy breads, such as whole wheat, rye or pumpernickel
  • Fresh fruits
  • Dried fruits, such as prunes, apricots and figs
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes, such as chickpeas, baked beans and lima beans
Should I use laxatives?
Laxatives should usually be avoided. They aren't meant for long-term use. Anexception to this is bulk-forming laxatives.

Bulk-forming laxatives work naturally to add bulk and water to your stoolsso that they can pass more easily through your intestines. Bulk-forminglaxatives can be used every day. They include oat bran, psyllium,polycarbophil and methylcellulose.

How are bulk-forming laxatives used?
You must use bulk-forming laxatives daily for them to work. Follow thedirections on the label. Start slowly and drink plenty of fluids. Graduallyincrease how much you use every 3 to 5 days (as you get used to it) untilyou get the effect you want.

You can help bulk-forming laxatives taste better by mixing them with fruitjuice.

Do bulk-forming laxatives have side effects?
You may notice some bloating, gas or cramping at first, especially if youstart taking too much or increase the amount you're using too quickly. Thesesymptoms should go away in a few weeks or less.

Is mineral oil a good laxative?
Mineral oil should generally be used only when your doctor recommends it,such as if you've just had surgery and shouldn't strain to have a bowelmovement. Mineral oil shouldn't be used regularly. If it is used regularly,it can cause deficiencies of vitamins A, D, E and K.

Should I try enemas?
Enemas aren't usually needed. Many people use enemas too much. It's betterto let your body work more naturally.

What if I've been using enemas or laxatives for a long time?
You may have to retrain your body to go without laxatives or enemas ifyou've been using them for a long time. This means eating plenty of fiberand using a bulk-forming laxative, drinking plenty of water, exercising, andlearning to give yourself time to have a bowel movement.

If you've used laxatives and enemas for a long time, your family doctor maysuggest that you gradually reduce the use of them to give your body a chanceto return to normal. Be patient--it may take many months for your bowels toget back to normal if you've been using laxatives or enemas regularly. Talkwith your family doctor about any concerns you have. (AAFP)

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