Rabu, 09 Juli 2008

Ovarian Cyst

What Is an Ovarian Cyst?
An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled sac in or on an ovary. Such cysts arerelatively common. Most are noncancerous and disappear on their own.Cancerous cysts are more likely to occur in women older than 40.

Most noncancerous ovarian cysts do not cause symptoms. However, some causepressure, aching, or a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen. Pain may be feltduring sexual intercourse. If a cyst ruptures or becomes twisted, severestabbing pain is felt in the abdomen. The pain may be accompanied by nauseaand fever. Some cysts produce hormones that affect menstrual periods. As aresult, periods may be irregular or heavier than normal. In postmenopausalwomen, such cysts may cause vaginal bleeding. Women who have any of thesesymptoms should see a doctor.

Diagnosis begins with a pelvic examination. Ultrasonography or computedtomography (CT) may be performed to confirm the diagnosis. If the cystappears to be noncancerous, a woman may be asked to return periodically forpelvic examinations as long as the cyst remains. If the cyst could becancerous, the ovaries may be examined through a laparoscope, insertedthrough a small incision just below the navel. Blood tests can help confirmor rule out cancer.

For noncancerous cysts, no treatment is necessary. But if a cyst is largerthan about 2 inches (5 centimeters) and persists or if cancer cannot beruled out, the cyst may be removed. Sometimes the affected ovary is alsoremoved. Cancerous cysts plus the affected ovary and fallopian tube areremoved. (Merck)

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